Water purification information

Three misunderstandings after installing a water purifier

Views : 69544
Update time : 2021-11-29 17:36:06
In order to pursue safer and healthier water quality, many people have begun to install water purifiers. However, because people's knowledge and understanding of household water purifiers is far from enough, there are many misunderstandings in their use.

The following are three major misunderstandings that easily appear after the water purifier is installed. Come and see if you step on the thunder?
Misunderstanding 1: Water purifier does not need maintenance

After the little snow, the whole country ushered in a drop in temperature. To combat the cold in autumn and winter, it is not only ourselves, but also the water purifiers in the home also need to keep warm.

Due to the low temperature in winter, the water pipes are prone to bursting, and even failures such as water cuts may occur. Therefore, the antifreeze of the water purifier must not be ignored. Especially at night when there is frost in winter, the water purifier should pay special attention to anti-freezing to avoid the damage of low temperature to the water purification equipment.

Misunderstanding 2: Long-term storage without cleaning

If the water purifier is not used for a long time and the water is not circulating, soaking the filter element in this environment may easily cause the danger of bacterial growth and increased nitrite concentration.

Therefore, if you go out far away, you must rinse thoroughly before going home to use the water purifier again, so that the residual water in the filter element and the pipe can be drained, and the impact on the body such as the growth of bacteria can be reduced. Wait until it is rinsed repeatedly, and then use fresh water.

It is recommended to rinse for 5-10 minutes in 3 to 5 days, and rinse for 15 minutes within 15 days. After 15 days of rinse, the water quality is detected before drinking.
If you don’t use it for a long time, the water output after repeated washing is still much lower than before, or there is almost no water, you need to consider replacing the filter element.
Avoiding these misunderstandings can help us use the water purifier better and enjoy a healthy water life.

Misunderstanding 3: The filter element does not need to be replaced regularly

Many people think that replacing the filter element of the water purifier is a very troublesome thing, or forget to change the filter element because there is no reminder of the life of the filter element. Over time, when the filter element is overloaded, it becomes a breeding ground for bacteria, causing secondary pollution of the water source. At the same time, other filter elements will be damaged step by step, causing problems such as reduced filter element life and filter capacity failure, which may even affect the service life of the water purifier in severe cases.

Therefore, the filter element must be replaced regularly in order to achieve an effective filtering effect.

In traditional thinking, we always feel that replacing the filter element of the water purifier requires tools such as screwdrivers, wrenches, and pliers, and even requires professionals to deal with it.


The aicksn water purifier does not need to move the machine, cut off the water and professional tools, easy to use. One twist and one twist is as easy as changing a light bulb.
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